Polymer is Heading to ETHDenver

Polymer Labs announces ETHDenver participation.
Polymer Labs
Feb 13, 2024
3 Mins.
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We're excited to announce that Polymer will be hosting and participating in several events at ETHDenver this year! We’re looking forward to giving conference attendees an opportunity to dive deeper into Polymer and interact with our team. Polymer will be collaborating with industry leaders including EigenLayer, Optimism, Base, Lagrange, and others, to deliver valuable insights on Ethereum scaling and blockchain interoperability.

Whether you're attending ETHDenver for the first time or as part of an annual tradition, we invite you to join us at the following upcoming events.

1. Rollup Developer Summit

Date: Tuesday, February 27, 1pm to 9pm MST

Location: TBA

Co Hosts: Polymer, EigenLabs


Our jointly hosted event with EigenLabs will showcase an all star cast of representatives across leading Ethereum organizations including Ethereum Foundation, OP Labs, Base, and more.  This all day event will feature keynotes, panel discussions, and group conversation around Ethereum scalability including the current state of layer 2 solutions, L2 interoperability, and data availability. Whether you're a researcher focused on scaling Ethereum or a dApp developer seeking cross-chain capabilities, this event is not to be missed. Space will be limited so stay tuned for more information on how you can join. 

2. Appchain Day

Date: Tuesday, February 27, 9am to 5pm MST

Location: Upper Larimer, 3034 Larimer Street, Denver, CO

Co Hosts: Polymer, Dorahacks, dYdX, Noble, and many more


Dorahacks’ inaugural Appchain Day will feature keynotes and panel discussions with leading builders and investors pushing the frontier of app-specific blockchains. Arrive before 3:30pm to see Polymer Senior Product Manager, Tommy O’Connell, participating in a panel discussion on IBC Expansion, where he will discuss Polymer’s approach to bringing IBC to Ethereum Layer 2s.

3. ATOMDenver

Date: Wednesday, February 28, 11am to 12am MST

Location: Bluebird Theater, 3317 East Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO

Co Hosts: Polymer, Cosmoverse, Noble, IBC Summit, Akash, Archway and more 


ATOMDenver is bringing together leading teams from across Cosmos to celebrate the best of the Cosmos stack during this all-day event. Polymer will be hosting an IBC summit panel where we'll discuss the current state of IBC and its expansion to new ecosystems. Come for the alpha, stay and hang with some bad kids.

4. Stakeholder: Infra Open House

Date: Thursday, February 29, 2pm to 6pm MST

Location: Register for details

Co Hosts: Polymer, A41, Eigenlayer, Obol, Staking Rewards, Alluvial, Gauntlet, Mantle, Metis, and more


Don’t miss A41’s Infra Open house where attendees will be treated to the latest in restaking, liquid staking, distributed validator technology, data availability, rollups, and interoperability. Polymer co-founder, Bo Du, will join EigenLayer researcher Kydo and Lagrange Labs co-founder Ismael Hishon-Rezaizadeh for a panel on the latest in interoperability. Space is limited for this event so please register ASAP to secure your spot!

5. Modular Hacker House

Date: Wednesday, February 28 to Monday, March 4

Location: To be shared with accepted applicants

Co Hosts: Polymer, Caldera, Polyhedra, Manta, Plume, and more


Join us and members from Caldera, Polyhedra, Manta and more, for a week of hacking, workshops, and presentations. For those that want to get hands on with Polymer, we’ll be hosting an exclusive Polymer workshop March 2nd that you won’t want to miss. 

Come Join Us!

Polymer’s mission is to establish the next generation of the internet by ensuring that the interoperability layer of the decentralized web is neutral, open, permissionless, and uniform across ecosystems.

If you’re building a dApp, a Layer 2, or just want to learn more about Polymer, please reach out to our Senior Marketing Manger, Michael. We’d love to connect with you at ETH Denver. 

We'll be releasing our public testnet soon. Developers interested in exploring the capabilities of Polymer are encouraged to connect with us in person.

We can't wait to see you there.

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We’re always looking for talented individuals interested in working on problems in web3 interoperability infrastructure. Click the link below to get in touch.